Do you remember back to school?
Those days, we were recovering from the hustle and bustle of the vacations and trying to get back into step for the busy days ahead.
That’s right; the same happens in sales; those first two weeks are tough.
Trying to recover from everything we did on vacation and “dragging” ourselves to the tasks that require our attention is indeed complicated.
The beginning of the post-holiday period is a critical time in the field of sales activity.
Otherwise, let’s look at what is at stake at this time:
- Getting the year off to the right start in terms of sales;
- Clients starting to prepare the year’s budget;
- Renegotiation of contractual conditions with current suppliers;
- Negotiating price increases that we sometimes have to make
- Analysis of new suppliers to get better conditions.
These are just some of the themes. Indeed, there will be other significant situations that we should mention at this time of the year.
At this time of year, we usually do some of the following activities:
- Stop and program all the commercial activities that we are going to do during the rest of the year and the beginning of the next;
- Contact all the clients that have active proposals and with whom we have not been able to talk due to the hustle and bustle of the end of the year;
- Follow up with clients with whom we haven’t spoken for some time;
- Make a list of all clients who work with set budgets;
- Contact these clients to see if they are already programming their budget for the coming year;
- Take advantage of the fact that our clients are also “missing” the vacations and schedule lunch with them.
Finally, these are just some of the actions that we must take.
Thinking strategically and resuming the activity with the most significant possible speed and strength is essential.
It is normal to hear, “why should I contact them now if everything is still at half speed?
If our competition is still “sleeping,” this is the ideal time to get ahead of them.
Also published on Medium.
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