Your privacy is important to us:
- Any data collection on this website has been designed to be in accordance with Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as well as with its transposition into the Portuguese Legal Order (Law No. 67/98 of October 26 – Personal Data Protection Act).
- The quality of the data requested is considered adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which it is collected and subsequently processed.
- Ideias & Desafios may provide them to DGERT, but only for purposes related to its activity. In accordance with the legal framework of a certified training entity.
- Under the terms of the applicable legislation, Ideias & Desafios undertakes to grant the subjects whose data is collected the right to access, object to or rectify their data.
Free access content versus premium access content:
- Most of our training content presented on our website is free to view. However, some are considered premium content, which can only be accessed by those who are registered on our distribution list.
- Where this is the case, the following message is clearly displayed on every page: “By submitting your details, you agree to receive information about new free content by email from us. If you do not agree, simply leave this page.”. If you do not agree, as the message indicates, simply leave the page.
- Registration on this mailing list is for the purpose of sending you a weekly email communication announcing new content that has been uploaded to the site, as well as news and updates that have appeared in the meantime.
- All information collected on our site for the purpose of accessing premium publications (name, email, position, company) will never be passed on to third parties. No sorting or profiling of information is carried out.
- If you change your mind after subscribing and no longer wish to receive our communications, there is always a link at the end of each email to automatically remove yourself from our distribution list.
Right to be forgotten:
- If you wish to make use of the “right to be forgotten” provided for by law, please request this by emailing:
Terms and Conditions
Please read the main conditions implicitly accepted when browsing our website:
- All the information contained on this website is the property of Ideias & Desafios. Information taken from other sources is mentioned. If you find it useful, you can reproduce and share the information on this website. However, please mention the source.
- It is expressly forbidden to use this websiteand its contents for illegal purposes, or any other illicit purposes that do not meet the objectives for which the website is online, or that harm Ideias & Desafios in any way.
- Any attempt to create or introduce any type of virus or malicious code into this website, as well as the creation, alteration or deletion of any of its content, is prohibited.
- The security of this website is very important to us, but Ideias & Desafios cannot guarantee that it is completely free of viruses or malicious code containing harmful properties.
- Neither Ideias e & Desafios nor any other entity involved in the development and maintenance of this website may be held liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of this website.
- The information on this website is essentially informative.
- We work hard to keep our content up to date and of a high quality, but occasionally there may be typing errors or out-of-date information.
- If you find any inaccuracies, we would appreciate your cooperation by sending us a message. Thank you.
Cookie Policy
- What is a cookie?
- A “cookie” is a file that is stored on each user’s computer when they access certain web pages, which allows information about the user’s browsing habits to be stored and retrieved. Depending on the information they contain and the way the equipment is used, they can be used to recognize the user.
What types of cookies do we use?
- The cookies used by Ideias & Desafios respect anonymity and will not be used to collect any personal information. The information stored in the cookies mentioned here is used exclusively by Ideias & Desafios, with the exception of Google Analytics, which is used and maintained by Google for statistical and research analysis purposes.
How can you block them?
- The use of cookies is very common among websites, but you can block or delete them from your device by configuring the options. Please note that blocking cookies may affect certain services that require them.
- If you want to restrict, block or delete cookies from this website, you can disable cookies by modifying your browser settings (each browser’s settings are different, so you should read your browser’s instructions and manuals for more information on operating and controlling cookies). Please note that by selecting this setting you may not be able to access certain content on the Ideias & Desafios website, making browsing less efficient.